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EDC Minutes 06-27-2012

MADDEN ROOM                                                        WEDNESDAY, June 27, 2012
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                          TIME: 7:30 P.M.

PRESENT: Chairperson Susan Burnham, Joseph Carino, Joseph Kennedy, William Jodice, Linda Jeski, Dwight Johnson, Edwina Futtner, Alternate Paul Burnham sat for Mark Lillis and Alternate Gary Waterhouse sat for James Murray

ABSENT: James Murray, Mark Lillis and Louise Neary

ALSO PRESENT: ED Coordinator Shari Fiveash

  1.    Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.

 2.    Roll Call: Chairperson Burnham introduced the above-mentioned members.

 3.    Public Participation: None.

 4.    Approval of Minutes

Minutes from Regular Meeting on 5/23/2012: A motion was made by Commissioner Carino and seconded by Commissioner Jeski to amend the minutes to change ‘Spaghetti House Restaurant’ to ‘Carla’s Pasta’ under Committee Report and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.  
 5.    Old Business: None.

 6.    Committee Report

Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison - Water Pollution Control Authority: Commissioner Carino hoped that commissioners were able to get an understanding of the cost of sewers at last month’s meeting. Mr. Carino stated that the last WPCA meeting was a public hearing about the increase to the annual sewer rate from $340 to $374. The WPCA is a not for profit entity that must meet both State and Federal regulations at increasing costs. It is a complicated job to determine the figures for the cost of sewer usage and the WPCA takes their job seriously.
Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham - Discover South Windsor: Chairperson Burnham contacted Peter DeMallie about the status of the group. Mr. DeMallie stated that the site has increased hits, that it is updated regularly and there is work on marketing and sponsorships for the site. The next meeting will be on Thursday, September 20 at 11a.m. at Design Professionals.

  7.    Communications and Remarks

Report from Sue Burnham, Chairperson: Chairperson Burnham let commissioners know that there are several upcoming elections for different town positions. There was also an article on John Mitchell about his induction into the New England Fuel Institutes ‘Legends of Oil Heat’ which has only been bestowed on 48 other people. Congratulations to Commissioner Mitchell.
Report from Shari Fiveash, Economic Development Coordinator: There was a Business After Hours at Pinkberry recently and thirteen more visits to businesses have been made. Inquiries by businesses looking to locate in South Windsor are down but there is more activity for movement within the town to larger facilities. With summer upon us, activity will most likely slow down around July as it also does for the Chamber. Upcoming Open Houses: Patch ribbon cutting July 13 at the Chamber office at 8am and the Yoga Born Business Before Hours is July 12th at 8am.
Commissioner Carino asked if a lot of businesses are considering moves from one location to another and gave two explanations for this. Commissioner Carino believes that if the business doing a good job it will want to expand and if a business is not doing so well it may be looking for a better location. Ms. Fiveash believes that the reason for relocation is mainly growth.
Alternate Burnham informed commissioners that JJ trucking moved into the old C&S Distributors’ building on Route 5.

 8.    New Business: None.

 9.    General Discussion: Commissioner Futtner asked Commissioner Carino about the flood on Deming Road/Buckland Road and whether it was waste water or rain. Commissioner Carino stated that it was a drainage distribution problem due to a drainage pipe getting clogged. Clogging can occur because sticks, tennis balls and other debris can get stuck. Pipes are cleaned out periodically by vacuuming out the debris similar to the way sewer pipes are cleaned out.

10.     Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Jodice and seconded by Commissioner Jeski to adjourn at 7:54pm and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter

Approved as corrected:  July 25, 2012